Conference Reports
Christ the King Conference – Lina Parr, President
The Christ the King conference continues to provide utility assistance to our clients in our parish, and at Saint Andrews. We have also been providing assistant with furniture, clothing, and directing clients to resources. We had a parish blanket drive that was very successful for the distribution center. We continue to send volunteers to both food pantries.
In the new year, we have an individual who has benefited from SVdP and we are having her speak to our conference about her journey. We will also have the boulevard place speak to us at an upcoming meeting on their needs from our parish.
St. Luke Conference – Ken Crook, President
St. Luke Conference has continued to address a steady flow of help line requests for assistance, both for items available at the Distribution Center and for assistance in paying utility bills and rent. We have also continued to provide assistance to St. Andrew Conference in making home visits in response to help line requests for items available at the Distribution Center.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Conference – Jane Hellmann-Otto, President
We completed our Christmas food drive for the Boulevard food pantry. We assisted with the Christmas dinner that was held at St. Phillip Neri.
Our bank account has $1,100 illicitly withdrawn from it. The bank reimbursed us and will proceed with legal action against the person responsible.
St. Joan of Arc Conference – Mark Fasbinder, President
St Joan of Arc for the past 2 months have assisted with 20 home visits and 10 utility payments.
St. Thomas Aquinas Conference – Tom Quinn, President
- We received an $800.00 Rice Bowl Grant from Catholic Relief Services. Funds will be used to purchase Kroger gift cards for distribution during home visits.
- We have seen a recent increase in requests for warehouse assistance and thus home visits.
- We disbursed $2,278.72 in rent and utility payments.
- We disbursed $1,000.00 to Boulevard Place Food Pantry.
- We distributed 25 Christmas food baskets to families seeking assistance in our parish boundaries; each basket included a $50.00 Kroger gift card and a Christmas card hand made by St Thomas students.
St. Rita Conference – Rosie Hebert, President
We served 35 home visits and 8 utilities bills for past two months.
St. Pius X Conference, President – John Scaffner
St. Pius X assisted with 16 home visits and 11 utility/rent assistance payments during November and December.
Matthew Conference, President Jean Rawlinson
We made payments of $200 for overseas twinning; $250 for domestic twinning; $500 to Landlord Branden Wells for rent for Henni Marie Fishback, and $23 for new checks.
We made two home visits within St. Andrew parish. We noted the purchase of $600 in utensils for the Distribution Center. We also noted the need for children’s coats there and discussion was had regarding our parish holding a coat collection drive next year.
St. Andrew Conference, President – Peggy O’Connor-Campbell
In the past two months we have completed 30 Home Visits and helped 105 people.
In addition, we have completed 5 requests for utility payment help. We’ve seen an unusual decrease in those requests. We think this may be due to other agencies assisting with utility payments during the holiday season. Also, the moratorium that is in place. We anticipate we will see an increase in March.
Our in kind requests for other help with other types of assistance has seen an increase. We had 37 requests and made referrals to other agencies (i.e. Trustees office, food pantry, Boner Center, assistance with Medicare, medical equipment).
We have been planning our Chili Cook off& Silent Auction, a fundraiser to help build our bank account.
In our second year of the reorganized conference, we are continuing our spiritual development by beginning Serving in Hope Program. We look forward to building our friendship and spirit.
St. Peter and Paul Conference, President Mary Dando
No report submitted.