Thanks to your continued support, our all-volunteer ministries made “Hope in Action” a reality for those in need in Central and Southern Indiana during 2013.
Our Indianapolis Council and Parish Conference “Special Works” ministries delivered over $8M in Services to approximately 130,000 individuals with a contribution of over 123,000 volunteer hours across Central and Southern Indiana. In addition, the 2,100 Active and Associate members across our 49 Parish Conferences delivered nearly $4M in direct aid in accomplishing nearly 14,000 home visits, entailing over 98,000 volunteer hours in 2013.
We were able to launch two selfhelp programs during the past year toward our goal of “Ending Poverty through Systemic Change.” Our Stop!Smoking Program offers a safe, healthy relaxation therapy alternative to tobacco dependency, and our MicroLoan Program offers low interest emergency loans, along with financial literacy education and credit union member services, as an alternative to payday loan and check cashing predatory lenders. Also, our “Changing Lives Forever” systemic change initiative completed its third year of operation, with a total of 20 alumni thus far.
Thanks to your generosity, along with some unexpected bequests, we’ve been able to virtually complete the needed capital improvements to our 3001 E. 30th St. pantry facility, including repaving of all asphalt surfaces, as well as renovation of the building’s exterior.
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